Hesam Mirmohammadi
Dr. H. (Hesam) Mirmohammadi (Beknopte Curriculum Vitae):
2013 – heden: Endodontoloog NVvE.
2010 – 2013: Postacademische opleiding Endodontologie op de afdeling Endodontologie ACTA (bij Prof. dr. P. Wesselink).
2006 – 2010: Gepromoveerd in tandheelkundige materialen op ACTA (bij Prof. Dr. A. Feilzer) / UvA.
Hoofd onderzoeken:
- Direct and Indirect resin-based composites: Mechanical, chemical and Biodegradation
- Bond strength: Adhesion testing of self adhesive resin cements and bonding to zirconia using different surface treatments
- Endodontology: Restoration of endodonticaly treated teeth (using fiber posts)
Wetenschappelijke publicaties:
- Rotating fatigue and flexural strength of direct and indirect resin-composite restorative materials. Mirmohammaddi H, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Rotating fatigue and flexural strength of direct and indirect resin-composite restorative materials. Am J Dent 2009, 22(4):219-22.
- The influence of rotating fatigue on the bond strength of zirconia-composite interfaces. Mirmohammadi H, Aboushelib MN, Kleverlaan CJ, de Jager N., Feilzer AJ. Dent Mater. 2010 Jul;26(7):627-33. Epub 2010 Apr 13.
- Influence of salivary enzymes and alkaline pH environment on fatigue behaviour of resin composites Mirmohammadi H Kleverlaan CJ, Aboushelib MNM, Feilzer AJ. Am J Dent. 2011 Feb;24(1):31-6.
- Influence of enzymatic degradation on zirconia resin bond strength using different surface treatments Mirmohammadi H, Aboushelib MN , Salameh Z, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Am J Dent. 2010 Dec;23(6):327-30.
- Innovations in bonding to zirconia based ceramics: Part III. Phosphate monomer resin cements.Mirmohammadi H, Aboushelib MN, Salameh Z, Feilzer AJ, Kleverlaan CJ. Dent Mater. 2010 Aug;26(8):786-92. Epub 2010 May 21.
- Innovations in bonding to zirconia-based materials. Part II: Focusing on chemical interactions. Aboushelib MN, Mirmohamadi H, Matinlinna JP, Kukk E, Ounsi HF, Salameh Z. Dent Mater. 2009, 25(8):989-93.
- Moustafa N. Aboushelib, Mona Ghoniem, Hesam Mirmohammadi and Ziad Salameh. General principles for achieving adequate bond to all-ceramic restorations. JDOH 2009;1(3),036-041
- Comparision of the use of silk sutures and Cyanoacrylate tissue glue after periodontal flaps in patients with moderate periodontitis.Mogharehabed A., Mirmohammadi S.H. Majalah-I-Dandanpizishki Summer 2006; 18(2 (59)):44-50
- Elie Gerges, Hesam Mirmohammadi, Khaldoun Rifai, Tarik M.Al-Gebrin, Mohammad Al-Amri, Ziad Salameh, Paul Rudolf Wesselink.Influence of resin cement thickness on the push-out bond strength of fiber post to root canal dentin. Submitted to IJE.